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Road Accidents Concerning Adolescent

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Road Accidents Concerning Adolescent

Road Accidents Concerning Adolescent

Author Name : Parmod Sharma, Harveer Laura

ABSTRACT:  India’s road safety record is among the worst in the world, and Thursday’s incident just underscores how dangerous Indian roads can be, especially for children. Statistics from the National Crime Records Bureau shows that almost 43 children die in road accidents across the country each day and the children below the age of 18 years who die in road accidents make up 10.5 percent of all fatalities. 59 cases of fatal road traffic accidents in children aged below 16 years, autopsied during 1 year period were studied. Males accounted for 83.1% cases with male-female ratio of 4.9. The most common age group involved was 13-16 years. Children themselves were at fault in majority of cases. Head injury alone was fatal in 72.9% cases. None of the victim received any treatment or first-aid at the site of accident. 72.9% of victims died with in 6 hrs of accident. The study highlights the pattern of fatalities due to road accidents in children and suggests suitable preventive measures to reduce burden of childhood mortality due to road accidents. Databases of Local Newspaper, save Life foundation, National ,International Journals ,NDTV Diageo, and Magazines regarding Road traffic accident sand traffic safety concerning adolescents were explored to compile a review article.