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Role of Diet and Lifestyle Modification in Pr...

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Role of Diet and Lifestyle Modification in Pr...

Role of Diet and Lifestyle Modification in Prameha: A Review

Author Name : Dr. Amit Chingale, Dr. Vishal Patil, Dr. Vinay Chavan


Majority of many chronic diseases relevant today are now being claimed as lifestyle disorders. Ayurveda has potential to preventing lifestyle disorders: prameha is major health problem for the world in the 21st century. The prevalence of prameha is increasing around the world. India has acquired the second position in the list of countries with higher diabetic patients. Lifestyle and eating disorders are becoming the main reason behind the various diseases and diabetes is a lifestyle disorder whose number is increasing at higher space. In Ayurvedic system of medicine for any disease the first line of management is Nidana parivarjana (avoiding the cause) which is the primary step. Internal and external medication is of secondary importance. Prameha (diabetes mellitus) is caused by mithya ahara vihara such as sedentary lifestyle, excessive sleep, excessive intake of curd, meat soups of domestic, aquatic, and marshy land animals, milk products, freshly harvested food articles, fresh wine, jaggery preparations and all other kapha promoting substances, laziness, intake of food substances which are cold, unctuous, sweet, fatty and liquid. Mostly sedentary mode of life, viruddha and Aahita Aahara (incompatible diets) Ati matra sevana (excessive intake) leads to the dreadful disease called Prameha (diabetes mellitus). prameha is a Tridoshja Vyadhi in which kapha is a pradhana dosha. Bahu and abaddha meda is Pradhan dushya. Prabhut and avil mutrata are main symptoms. Prameha patient adivised what they should not have in their diet, but it is very uncommon that they are advised what they should have particurley in their diet. Disease specific dietatry measures are unique concept of Ayurveda. A properly selected diet plan and lifestyle modification is important in disease management.pathya for Prameha explained throughout samhita.

Keywords: Prameha, lifestyle effect, Pathya, Apathya, Diabetes Mellitus