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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Role of Nitya Sevaniya Aahara Dravya in Healt...

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Role of Nitya Sevaniya Aahara Dravya in Healt...

Role of Nitya Sevaniya Aahara Dravya in Health Promotion

Author Name : Singh Anjali, Singh Dheerendra

ABSTRACT Ayurveda, the 5000 year old health science, which has mentioned benefits of food for the therapeutic purpose. The philosophy behind focus on promotion and prevention. It is very much instrumented in preventive measures which constitutes Aahara(diet), Vihara (lifestyle) and Aachara(behavioral pattern). Aahara is the indispensable factor for life. Consuming food provides instant energy and strength & supports body functioning. Nitya Sevaniya Aahara Dravyas are indicating in Ayurvedic classics as preventive tool and said by the Acharyas that people must embrace the use of “Nitya Sevaniya Aahara Dravya” and incorporate it into their daily diet for the betterment of health. The core purpose of this paper is to serve and encourage people to include “Nitya Sevaniya Aahara Dravyas” in their daily diet