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Role of SEZs in women empowerment in India

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Role of SEZs in women empowerment in India

Role of SEZs in women empowerment in India

Author Name : Sunita Devi

ABSTRACT: Status of Indian women’s has been changed during past few decades. Now Indian women’s participates in all sectors like education, sports, politics, media, art, service sector and science and technology.sez policy in India was started with different objectives such as promotion of exports, employment and to increase FDI. Sezs provide employment to the female employees and employment empowers the women. Increase in employment opportunity also made them more independent, improved their shares and bargaining power within household. In the country women workers proportion in MSEZ (central government SEZs) is 56.5 percent. In Mahindra city SEZ (state government SEZs/ private sez) the proportion of female workers is higest .ie.73.3 percent as on March 2008) the proportion of female workers is relatively higher in garments, electronics and IT/ITES sector. In Haryana as on March 2008,116 percent of the total work force of SEZs was the women employees. Research work is based on secondary data.