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Roles and Responsibilities during the time of...

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Roles and Responsibilities during the time of...

Roles and Responsibilities during the time of COVID-19: A Gender Geographical Perspective

Author Name : Vandana Priyadarshi, Dr. Sabina Bano


The relationship between changes in women economic roles and changes in structure and functions of the family during the time of crisis has attracted growing attention from social scientists and policy makers alike. The COVID-19 crisis has thrown upon the gender a wider impact as pandemic affect men and women simultaneously. Regional frameworks, multilateral organizations and international financial institutions are suppose to recognize that women may play critical role in resolving the crisis, and that measures to address the pandemic and its economic fallout should include a gender perspective as per an article “what the COVID-19 pandemic tell us about gender inequality” published under World Economic Forum. It is noticeable from the literature review that there are several areas where women are particularly at risk in current crisis one of them is stress due Household Activities and complete lockdown.

So, this paper is an attempt to observe the issues faced by women during the pandemic and check weather this section of gender is facing any stress in coping up with the COVID-9 pandemic. The structured questionnaire based on Google form have been used for the conduction of the survey. Responses of the respondents collected, analysed, interpreted and presented with the help of diagrams and charts. Further this work may help us in recognising the challenges faced by women during the time of crisis and reveal the overburden of work further suggestion could be made to resolve the issues and may look into for a more sustainable gender development in such critical times.

Key Words: COVID-19, Pandemic, Gender Roles, Women, Household Work, Workload