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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Seasonal and Sectoral Distribution of Nutrien...

Seasonal and Sectoral Distribution of Nutrients in a Man-made Aquatic Ecosystem in Chitradurga, Karnataka

Author Name : Syed Fasihuddin, E. T. Puttaiah


Nutrient status is widely regarded as a reliable index of reservoir fertility. These aquatic ecosystems offer immense scope for fish culture. The nutrient values of these water bodies play a vital role to evaluate the production potential of the reservoirs in the context of fish culture and fishery development. In the present investigation, the Spatio-temporal distribution of nitrates, phosphates, and silicates has been studied and discussed in Chitradurga District. Collection of water samples from three sectors of the Vanivilas Sagar Reservoir located in Chitradurga District. Distribution of nutrients in Vanivilas Sagar reservoir in the present study, when compared with other reservoirs of India, the concentrations of nutrients are almost the same except silicate, which was found to be in higher concentration.

Keywords: Reservoir, Spacio-temporal,  Nutrients,