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Security Primitives for Reconfigurable Hardwa...

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Security Primitives for Reconfigurable Hardwa...

Security Primitives for Reconfigurable Hardware-Based Systems

Author Name : Amit Kumar Luhach

ABSTRACT: In this work, we propose security primitives using ideas centered around the notion of “moats and drawbridges.” The primitives encompass four design properties: logical isolation, interconnect traceability, secure reconfigurable broadcast, and configuration scrubbing. Computing systems designed using reconfigurable hardware are increasingly composed using a number of different Intellectual Property (IP) cores, which are often provided by third-party vendors that may have different levels of trust. To address this problem, the embedded systems community requires novel security primitives that address the realities of modern reconfigurable hardware. Unlike traditional software where hardware resources are mediated using an operating system, IP cores have fine-grain control over the underlying reconfigurable hardware.