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Sense of Imposterism and Self-acceptance in A...

Sense of Imposterism and Self-acceptance in Adolescent Internet Addicts

Author Name : Jagruth Lingala


In recent years, communication technologies have become more and more sophisticated and prevalent in our daily lives. It has been widely acknowledged in recent years that Internet technologies and new media technologies have made a significant impact on the way in which people organize their time, how they interact with other people, and how they interact with their peer group. The Internet has numerous benefits, such as faster information exchange, new forms of communication, etc. However, some habits, like online gaming or social networking, can become so persistent that they may turn into real Internet addictions in the long run. There is a condition called Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) which is characterized by an inability to control and manage the time and manner in which one uses the internet. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between Internet Addiction, Imposterism, and Self-Acceptance. The study was conducted on 117 individuals between the ages of 17 and 28 years old who were randomly selected. Participants completed the Internet Addiction Test (IAT) to assess their Internet addiction levels, as well as the Imperfection Scale and Self-Acceptance Scale.Results indicate that the lower the use of internet operation, the higher the feeling of tone-acceptance as a result of the lower use of internet operation. The study concluded that people who spend less time on the internet have a better situation of tonal acceptance of their identities than those who spend more time online. 

Key Words: Internet addiction, Adolescent, Self-acceptance and Self-acceptance