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Server less Computing: the Next Stage in Clou...

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Server less Computing: the Next Stage in Clou...

Server less Computing: the Next Stage in Cloud Computing’s Evolution and an Empowerment of a New Generation of Developers

Author Name : Dr. A. Shaji George, A. S. Hovan George


Serverless computing has arisen as a brand-new captivating paradigm designed for the deployment of services and applications. It is an implementation model in which a cloud-based service provider dynamically operates the distribution of computing resources of the corresponding server. It signifies an evolution of cloud programming paradigms, platforms, and abstractions, and is proof of the maturity and broad adoption of cloud technologies. And the awareness of the compute reference model, as well as the building of facilities, has developed into different dimensions. Cloud computing has allowed companies to concentrate less on their IT infrastructure and further on their main products and services. Moreover, the cloud has ceased to be seen as a viable alternative to hosting infrastructure.  In the modern world, all types of businesses are utilizing cloud computing services without needing to worry about any fundamental infrastructure problems. Such a new consumption paradigm has grown to a serverless architecture. Through adopting serverless architectures, consumers can re-think their next-generation products made from concept to production, without having to wait for, or having to worry about, infrastructure. In Cloud computing the customer is charged for the real volume of resources used by them, as an alternative to paying for the pre-purchased units of computing capacity. This particular model developed as a means to achieve optimal cost, minimal configuration operating cost, and enhances an application's capacity to scale through the cloud. The potential of the serverless compute model remains well envisioned by the key cloud service providers as well as reflected in the acceptance of the serverless computing model. This research paper offers a detailed study on serverless computing architecture as well as also expands experimentation of the operating principle of serverless computing. And also, this paper discusses the significant benefits, effectiveness, low costs, time, etc. Furthermore, the research paper evaluates some of the distinctive possibilities and potentials which serverless computing offers. This article seeks to give a good understanding of serverless computing such as the current condition of serverless technology, as well as what are the key barriers and opportunities. This research paper also provides a short introduction to serverless computing.

Keywords: Serverless Computing, Cloud Computing, Serverless Architecture, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, FaaS, BaaS