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Sexual Dimorphism of Sacrum in Uttar Pradesh ...

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Sexual Dimorphism of Sacrum in Uttar Pradesh ...

Sexual Dimorphism of Sacrum in Uttar Pradesh population - A Retrospective Study

Author Name : Professor Abdul Malik

Background: Although sexual dimorphism of sacrum is an established factor but hormonal, nutritional, degree of locomotion, parturition, social-economical status do play contributory role in morpho-metric values in gender determination of sacral bones.

Method: 25 male and 25 female non – pathological dried sacrum were selected for study. Each sacrum was put in a anatomical position. The length and breadth of the sacrum was measured by vernier calliper. The obtained values were compared statistically.

Results: Mean value of height in male sacrum was 104.39 (SD±0.25) females 89.20(SD±0.14) t test was 26.5 and p<0.01. Mean value of width of sacrum in males was 97.34(SD±0.42), females 111.07(SD±0.6), t test value was 34.4 p<0.01, male sacral Index was 93.2 and females was 124.5

Conclusion: This study of sexual dimorphism will be useful to anatomist anthropologist, Medico-legal expert because morpho-metric values of mesodermal derivatives are un-certain.

Keywords: Vernier calliper, sacral Index, Socio-economic nutritional, ethnicity.