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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Shakespearean Intertextuality and the Explora...

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Shakespearean Intertextuality and the Explora...

Shakespearean Intertextuality and the Exploration of Human Complexity in Orson Scott Card’s Speaker for the Dead

Author Name : Subhash Chander, Vikrant Kumar Verma


This research paper delves into the profound impact of Shakespearean literary works on Orson Scott Card's Speaker for the Dead, meticulously analyzing the manner in which Shakespeare’s thematic elements, character archetypes, and narrative frameworks enhance the plot and intensify its exploration of intricate facets of human nature. The study investigates the discernible Shakespearean influences that inform the dialogues and monologues, effectively conveying profound revelations regarding the characters' internal conflicts and philosophical contemplations. By showcasing the Shakespearean undertones pervasive in Speaker for the Dead, this inquiry astutely demonstrates Card's adeptness in seamlessly integrating tragic narratives, multifaceted characters, and eloquent discourse, thereby surpassing the conventional boundaries of the science fiction genre. Through adept employment of the timeless themes and narrative techniques emblematic of Shakespeare, Card skillfully constructs a captivating narrative that delves into the profound depths of human complexity, morality, and the perennial quest for comprehension and redemption.

Keywords: Shakespearean intertextuality, human complexity, morality, redemption, narrative intricacy.