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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Significance of “Straightforward, Advanced, Complex” (SAC) Implant Classification - A Review

Author Name : Dr. B. Lakshmana Rao, Dr. A.Harika, Dr. D. Kundana Veni, Dr.A.Sathvika


ABSTRACT The International Team for Implantology (ITI) created the SAC (Straightforward, Advanced, Complex) classification, a thorough framework intended to direct professionals in implant dentistry. In order to match treatment regimens with case-specific problems, it classifies cases according to surgical, prosthetic, and aesthetic complexity. By methodically assessing anatomical, technical, and patient-related aspects, the SAC Assessment Tool facilitates risk stratification and improves clinical decision-making. By establishing reasonable expectations, this tool promotes patient education, enhances communication between interdisciplinary teams, and guarantees efficient treatment planning. Research shows how beneficial it is for increasing treatment predictability and lowering complications, especially in more complicated and advanced patients.