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Simulation and Design Analysis of Integrated Receiver System for Millimeter Wave Applications

Author Name : Rekha, Rajesh Kumar, Dr. Raj Kumar

ABSTRACT This paper presents the simulation and design analysis of fully integrated receiver system for millimeter and microwave applications. A beauty thought of new design of CMOS LNA, filter and microstrip antenna are largely improves the system integration, reduced chip area and save the cost. In this paper, a three different architecture are proposed and analyzed through Agilent ADS tool. We have designed 90nm CMOS LNA at 40GHz to integrate with band pass filter and rectangular patch antenna at same frequency. As shown by simulation results: achieved minimal noise figure of 3.8dB and gain of 26dB from the LNA side. A Co-design of filter and rectangular micro-strip antenna at 40GHz is to relax the 50Ω impedance matching constraints and to provide S11 of -13.09dB and VSWR is 1.5. A more interesting thing is that we have achieved overall receiver system gain of 27dB which overcomes the reliability issues in higher frequencies.