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Simulation and Modeling of STATCOM and WINDFA...

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Simulation and Modeling of STATCOM and WINDFA...

Simulation and Modeling of STATCOM and WINDFARM in Transmission Line Using MATLAB and Analysis of Bus Voltage

Author Name : Deshveer, Amit Bhardwaj

ABSTRACT The concept of Var compensation embraces a wide and diverse field of both system and customer problems, especially related with power quality issues, since most power quality problems can be attenuated or solved with an adequate control of reactive power. In general, the problem of reactive power compensation is viewed from two aspects: load compensation and voltage support. Static voltage instability is mainly associated with reactive power imbalance. Thus, the load ability of a bus in a system depends on the reactive power support that the bus can receive from the system. As the system approaches the maximum loading point or voltage collapse point, both real and reactive power losses increase rapidly, therefore the reactive power supports have to be locally adequate. With static voltage stability, slowly developing changes in the power system occur that eventually lead to a shortage of reactive power and declining voltage. The Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) technology is a promising technology to achieve complete deregulation of power system based on power electronic devices, used to enhance the existing transmission capabilities in order to make the system flexible and independent in operation then the system will be kept within limits without affecting the stability. Increased transmission demand is met where possible by increasing the existing transmission capacity. When trying to improve the transmission capacity, a key assumption is made that if the overall system reliability is not improved, at least the existing system reliability is maintained. The research work in this thesis is focused on FACT’S Controllers.