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SKY Ligatures: A simple technique for Ligatur...

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SKY Ligatures: A simple technique for Ligatur...

SKY Ligatures: A simple technique for Ligature making

Author Name : Dr. Sumit Kumar Yadav, Dr. Neal Bharat Kedia, Dr. Achla Bharti Yadav, Dr. Abhinav Kumar Singh

ABSTRACT The buccal archwire used in the PEA technique is anchored to the brackets by means of ligatures made of soft stainless steel wire of about .010 inch diameter. These ligatures are seated under the flanges of the brackets. Various methods have been advocated for seating and tying the ligatures. The preformed ligatures used in this method differ from those conventionally used in that they can easily and quickly be formed on a jig constructed from available orthodontic material.