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Smart Locker Alert System

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Smart Locker Alert System

Smart Locker Alert System

Author Name : Shilpa M V, Anjali R Krishna, Ashok Kumar E, Prajith Gowda S, Shalini V

ABSTRACT This paper presents the design and implementation of Smart Locker Alert System using IoT and GSM technologies to secure and monitor in real-time. The system uses password based authentication to allow authorized access to the locker. Upon access attempt, the system verifies the entered password with the predefined database. If the password is correct, the locker opens and a confirmation message is sent to the same mobile number that made the request. If in case one enters a wrong password, it will remain locked and an alert message will be sent to the owner of the locker immediately. The overall system consists of microcontrollers for operation management and GSM modules for communication and very robust password protection mechanism. This solution secures the locker and provides real time alerts so the user can be assured of its safety. The smart locker can be designed to be scalable and can be applied to residential, commercial and institutional areas where storage and monitoring is required.