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Software Testing Techniques: - Efficient Way ...

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Software Testing Techniques: - Efficient Way ...

Software Testing Techniques: - Efficient Way to Achieve Improvement in Software Quality

Author Name : Poonam Chhabra


The testing phase is the final frontier for software before it enters the market. Testing strives to ensure that products meet the market needs. The testing of software is an important means of assessing the software to determine its quality.  Software testing is the process of executing error in controlled manner, in order to answer the question “Does the software behaves as specified?” Testing is the process of trying to discover every conceivable fault or weakness in a work product. This paper focuses on testing definition, objective & limits of testing, validation & verification, comparison of various testing types.

The difficulty in software testing stems from the complexity of software: we cannot completely test a program with moderate complexity. It is often impossible to find all the errors in the program. This fundamental problem in testing thus throws open question, as to what would be the strategy that we should adopt for testing. Thus, the selection of right strategy at the right time will make the software testing efficient and effective. In this paper I have described software testing techniques which are classified by purpose.

Keywords: Correctness Testing, Performance Testing, Reliability testing, Security testing