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Studies on Productivity by Phytoplankton in V...

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Studies on Productivity by Phytoplankton in V...

Studies on Productivity by Phytoplankton in VV Sagar, A Manmade Aquatic Ecosystem in Karnataka

Author Name : Syed Fasihuddin, E.T. Puttaiah


Primary productivity is the basis of metabolic cycle in an aquatic ecosystem. Phytoplankton primary productivity in association with limno-chemical qualities could be fruitfully utilized as indices of trophic status. The study area was arbitrarily divided into three transverse sectors viz., sector-I, sector-II and sector-III The studies on the primary productivity by phytoplankton in three sectors revealed low productivity. The GPP varied between 0.18 mg Cm3 d-1  to 43.42  mg Cm3 d-1, NPP ranged between 0.10 to 22.69  mgCm3 d-1. CR was between 0.20 to 21.2  Cm3 d-1 .  PR ratio ranged between 0.28 mg Cm3 d-1  to   5.01 mg Cm3 d-1  The reduced production rate in sector III is attributed to  low level of water fluctuation that resulted in macrophytic dominance. The results obtained in this study have been compared with the productivity values of some  reservoirs of India.

Key words: Reservoir, Phytoplankton, GPP, NPP