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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Study of Design of Gantry Crane and Fabricati...

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Study of Design of Gantry Crane and Fabricati...

Study of Design of Gantry Crane and Fabrication of Jib Crane

Author Name : Sameer, R. Rajashekar


The crane is a type of machine generally equipped with hoist, rope or chain and sheaves that can be used both to lift and lower materials and to move them horizontally, it mainly used for lifting heavy thing and transporting them to other places. The main objective of this project is to understand the different works that are carried out in designing , manufacturing of gantry crane components  in the industry and also fabrication and quality inspection of subcomponents of jib crane. The power rating of motor are evaluated based on capacity of pulley and trolley of the gantry crane ,which helped to choose right motor for pulley and for trolley assembly. Theoretical design of pulley and girder of gantry crane are carried out to meet the design aspects of AutoCAD model. Which will ensure the accuracy of the components. FEA analysis of Girder of gantry crane is done to ensure strength and FEA analysis of boom of has been carried out in two approaches to ensure relative strength against load. The Quality  assurance  plan  required  to  execute  each  of  activity  has  been  studied    and prepared  and  bill  of  major  components  of  Jib  crane  has  been  studied. Fabrication  of subcomponents of Jib crane has been studied and quality inspection such as dimensional,  functionality and load test has been studied.