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Study of Mobile Adhoc Network Scenario for Se...

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Study of Mobile Adhoc Network Scenario for Se...

Study of Mobile Adhoc Network Scenario for Selection of Routing Protocol

Author Name : Sakshi Makhija, Himanshu Kaushik

ABSTRACT: We discuss in this paper with basic introduction of MANET and its pros and cons and an attempt has been made to explain the all technology, problems, advantages, disadvantages and protocols used in on demand reactive routing protocols OR power routing protocols for mobile Ad hoc wireless network. A mobile Ad-Hoc network (MANET) is a collection of two or more devices or nodes or terminals with wire less communication i.e mobile adhoc wireless network and networking capability that communicate with each other without the aid of any centralized administrator also the wireless nodes that can dynamically form a network to exchange information without using any existing fixed network infrastructure. And it’s an autonomous system in which mobile hosts connected by wireless links are free to be dynamically and same time act as routers at the same time. It then defines various protocols participated in routing through MANET.Ad Hoc Network must be able to adapt to changing network of this type at any time.The main classes of routing protocol are Proactive, Reactive and Hybrid.