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Study of thermal Analysis of Disc Brake Rotor...

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Study of thermal Analysis of Disc Brake Rotor...

Study of thermal Analysis of Disc Brake Rotor for different Disc Brakes

Author Name : Abbas Mohammed Ismael

ABSTRACT:  The security is a top priority in the automotive industry. To be able to get the security requirements, systems investigated and developed individually. We can express the aim of this research as the following, during the brake operation the pads press to the tire disc, and as a result we will analyze the heat distribution on the discs by using SOLIDWORKS software program to get the best design for discs that used in this system and to do this We chose three types of disc rotors (1. Vented and Drilled, 2. Vented, 3. Solid). The FEM “Finite Element Method” is the best way to analyze the heat distribution. Analyzing the heat distribution of these three types will provide us a heat flux distribution too.