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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Study of Various Peak to Average Power Reduct...

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Study of Various Peak to Average Power Reduct...

Study of Various Peak to Average Power Reduction Technique

Author Name : Renu, Dr. Umesh Gupta

ABSTRACT: OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) is generally preferred for high data rate transmission in digital communication. The rapid growth in multimedia-based applications has triggered an insatiable thirst for high data rates and hence increased demand on OFDM-based wireless systems that can support high data rates and high mobility. As the data rates and mobility supported by the OFDM system increase, the number of subcarriers also increases, which in turn leads to high PAPR. As future OFDM-based systems may push the number of subcarriers up to meet the higher data rates and mobility demands, there will be also a need to mitigate the high PAPR that arises, which will likely spur new research activities. This paper explains different PAPR reduction techniques and discusses the advantages and limitations of several important PAPR reduction techniques such as Coding, Partial Transmit Sequence, Clipping, Selective Mapping, Tone Reservation, Tone Injection, and Active Constellation Extension.