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Study on Variation in Accident with Populatio...

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Study on Variation in Accident with Populatio...

Study on Variation in Accident with Population and Deaths Variation with Registered Vehicles

Author Name : Gourav Grewal, Rahul Bansal, V. K. Ahuja

ABSTRACT Each year more than 1.2 million people die in road accident around the world. The majority of the accident (about 52%) is of cyclist, bikers and cars. The traffic accident situation in Hissar police station boundary as well as India is really alarming and the loss of lives and property damages are expected to continue if proper corrective measure are not taken accordingly by applying proper engineering measure through extensive research and investigations. This paper presents the various aspects of traffic accidents in Hissar city, Haryana, India. Data on accident were collected from Hissar, SP office in the city for three years 2012, 2013, 2014. It was found that a total 255 accidents occurred during this period. Almost 30 per cent victims were between ages 22 to 35 years. Bus and truck accidents comprise 23 per cent road accidents. Therefore, this paper deals with the variation in accident with population and deaths variation with registered vehicles models to and the simultaneous influence of human factors, road, vehicle, weather condition and traffic features including traffic volume and flow speed on the crash severity in urban highways. Obtained results illustrate that the variable such as highways width, head-on collision, type of vehicle at fault, ignoring lateral clearance, following distance, inability to control the vehicle, violating the permissible velocity and deviation to left by drivers are most significant factors that increase crash severity in urban highways.