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Synthesis, Characterisation and Applications of Casein Conjugated Gold Nanocomposites

Author Name : R. Jeslin Reshi, Dr. G.S. Prabha Littis Malar


Casein is a highly stable milk protein. A desolvation technique has been widely used to prepare casein nanoparticle by adding organic solvent and cross linking agents to form nanoparticles. The synthesis of Casein conjugated Gold nanocomposites was prepared in buffer solution and the pH was maintained. The gold chloride solution was added to the Casein nanoparticle to form gold nanocomposites. Casein conjugates gold nanocomposites were characterised by analytical technique like ultra violet visible spectrophotometer, fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer, scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive x ray analysis, x ray diffractogram spectra and antimicrobial activity of casein conjugated gold nanocomposites were determined.

Keywords:  Casein nanoparticles, desolvation method, Casein conjugated Gold nanocomposites,