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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Teacher-Student Interaction in English as a S...

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Teacher-Student Interaction in English as a S...

Teacher-Student Interaction in English as a Second Language Classroom: A theoretical Review

Author Name : Jashanpreet Kaur


The focus of this paper is teacher-student interaction in English as a Second Language(ESL) classroom. This paper attempts to examine the barriers and obstacles to effective communication in teacher- student relationship and ascertain suggestions, recommendations, followed by solutions in order to improve and stimulate better communication. This study focuses on classroom interaction to gain insights and widen our understanding of classroom learning and teaching to identify the phenomenon that promotes or hampers learning processes in the classroom. It tends to explore different interaction patterns in Indian ESL classrooms and also includes gender bias that has a profound influence on learner’s participation in classroom activities and possibly on their language acquisition.

Keywords: Second language, Classroom Interaction, English as a foreign language