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Techniques of Sentiment Analysis on Social Me...

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Techniques of Sentiment Analysis on Social Me...

Techniques of Sentiment Analysis on Social Media

Author Name : Siddhant V R, Dr. Shiv Kumar Goel


The research paper intends to review and explore techniques and methods involving sentiment analysis applied on social media. Sentiment analysis is a way to decipher the emotions conveyed in the text format using computation. Sentiment analysis comes under a larger domain NLP (Natural Language Processing). Sentiment analysis is an application which has proven to be an important tool in analysing various social media platforms on the web. It involves data extraction, data pre-processing and data analytics. The Web scraping is used to extract loads of data from various social media platforms and pre-processing techniques such as text classification,lemmatization, etc will be discussed.Sentiment analysis involves machine learning algorithms and lexicon-based approach to gain subjective information of processed text, which helps in classification of analysed information to reach a conclusive result. The paper also discusses on the sources of data and type of data used in sentiment analysis.

Keywords: Natural Language Processing, Sources of data, Lemmatization, Stemming, Feature extraction, Neural Network, Vader