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Telangana Movement and Media -A Study

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Telangana Movement and Media -A Study

Telangana Movement and Media -A Study

Author Name : Gurudu Charandas, Dr. Chandra Shekhar Ghanta

Telangana movement for separate statehood has been hailed by many intellectuals as democratic struggle for a region against discrimination in all aspects. Statehood agitation attracted the ample attention of all sections of people of Andhra Pradesh as well as entire country and across the globe. Telangana statehood issue is nearly five decades old issue. 1978-88 nearly for a short time, the agitation slightly sidelined. But quite a long time it was a burning issue. Later, the issue got momentum a decade ago and till 2014 it was a burning issue. Different types of Agitations, uproars and pandemonium have been at an alarming rate entire the state. It leads to the appointment of Srikrishna Committee on Telangana or the Committee for Consultations on the Situation in Andhra Pradesh (CCSAP). The committee submitted its report to the Central Government in December 2010. The issue has been rampant and people and students of the entire state played a pivotal role in the achievement of separate statehood. The present study focused to use of primarily of PG and Degree College students in the headquarters of ten districts and town and evoke their perception.