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The Adoption of a Big Data and Extensive Multi-Labled Gradient Boosting System for Student Activity Analysis

Author Name : Prasadu Peddi, Dr. Akash Saxena

ABSTRACT Absolutely, the factors influencing student performance are multifaceted and interconnected. While access to resources and a conducive environment undoubtedly play significant roles in academic success, individual habits, behaviors, and engagement also wield considerable influence. Students who have access to necessary resources such as textbooks, technology, a quiet place to study, and parental support tend to perform better academically compared to those who lack these resources. Socioeconomic factors often dictate the extent to which students have access to such resources, highlighting the systemic inequalities present in educational systems worldwide. However, it's essential to recognize that academic success isn't solely determined by external factors. Student engagement, intrinsic motivation, and effective learning strategies also play pivotal roles. A student's levels of involvement in their education, their ability to set goals, manage time, and persist through challenges significantly impact their performance. Therefore, addressing disparities in access to resources while also fostering a culture of engagement and empowerment among students is crucial for improving overall academic outcomes. Educational policies and interventions aimed at providing equal opportunities and support for all students, regardless of their background, can contribute to creating a more equitable and thriving educational environment.