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The antioxidant activities of different herbs...

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The antioxidant activities of different herbs...

The antioxidant activities of different herbs: in vitro study

Author Name : Amer A. Taqa, Maha T. Saffar, Ghada A. Taqa, Omar M. Shallal

Aim: The study aims to determine the antioxidant effect of different herbs extracted oil by using spectrophotometer measurement (in vitro study)then compare these effects between them to determine the best one.

Materials and Method: A total of fourteen herb oil extract available in the market has been used to determine their antioxidant activities by using a spectrophotometric method to evaluate their reducing ability ''in vitro study''.

Results: green tea oil and parsley oil have shown a higher antioxidant activity compared with other extract oils followed by Anis, Chamomile, Thyme, Mint, Garlic, Peganumhormala, Nut Meg, Flax, Celery, Nut grass oil and ginger oil. The last one showed low antioxidant activity and finally Alcohol which showed no antioxidant activity.

Conclusion: Natural herb oil extract has different antioxidant activities with a higher effect of green tea oil and parsley oil followed by other oils extract while same extract has a lower antioxidant effect like Ginger oils Nut grass oil, and Alcohol.