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The Conceptual Study on Narikela Udaka in Bri...

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The Conceptual Study on Narikela Udaka in Bri...

The Conceptual Study on Narikela Udaka in Brihattrayee W. S. R to Agnimandya

Author Name : Dr. Hatte Kirti Sidharam, Dr. Shilpa Nimbal, Dr. Badarinarayan Katti

ABSTRACT Ayurveda is a science of life, which aims at maintaining health of the healthy and cures for the diseases. Acharya Charaka the pioneer of the medicines mentioned agni as vikrut agni vishamgni, madangni and teekshnagni are the concerns of disease. Acharya Vagbhat an expert compiler, reviser and editor of both Charaka and Sushruta Samhit states that “रोगः सर्वेऽपि मन्देऽग्नौ । means almost all the diseases are the outcomes of Mandagni. Hence the concept of agni and its activities plays a very important role in both the Healthy as well as the diseased. Now a days every person’s life style is different like fast and stressful for that region peoples are having irregular diet with suppression of urges. Most of the people experience Digestive problems like constipation, diarrhoea, acideructation, loss of appetite etc. at same stage of life these are the acute conditions that appear due to Agnimandya. Before create any disease for that purpose Narikeludaka one of the affordable and easily available in all seasons.