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ISSN: 2455-6211

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The Naga Art of Expression: a Discourse throu...

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The Naga Art of Expression: a Discourse throu...

The Naga Art of Expression: a Discourse through the Select Short Stories from Easterine Kire’s Naga Folktales Retold

Author Name : Rielie Doss, Chibeni Merry


Naga Art is the manifestation of compiled expressions, in the likes of diversity of customs, symbols, artifacts, beliefs, and methods. These expressions can be collectively gathered through the folktales passed down by lineages of generations in the form of conversations, in that, the tales were popularly taught through oral narrations, now accessible through documented texts. This paper makes an analysis of the book titled Naga Folktales Retold, a collection of forty folklores, by Easterine Kire, in an attempt to highlight the traditional Naga-way of expression. Also, this paper implements a qualitative method of research, in that, articles from other authors within the subjects of this paper's interest have been referred to for corroboration and conceptualization, with emphasis on Leo Tolstoy's book What Is Art.

Keywords: Naga, Art, Culture, Folktales, Expression, Interpretation.