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The Position of Women in Past Literature till...

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The Position of Women in Past Literature till...

The Position of Women in Past Literature till Now

Author Name : Adela Hameedi Azin

ABSTRACT: The main goal of this research is to find out the true status of a woman in the literature of our country. Our written legacy shows that the women's community in the past was absent from the stage of narration and recording their historical role, and in this historic absence, men had written their history. Therefore, it can be said that the history of women has been "male history". Why did women write history as men? Why has not even been seen by a historian and authoritative historiography for over 100 years? As the philosopher, theologian, and prominent literary also do not see in this congregation, what is the reason for this absenteeism? Essentially, the essential requirement of the physiological and psychological structure of women is said to be maternal. On the other hand, it seems that women's inferiority, the retreat of the atmosphere of Islamic rationality and the sedimentation of the corporeal thoughts of the Hadith and the return to the atmosphere of social and political norms of the era of ignorance during the period of the Muslim rulers.