International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods

An ISO Certified Peer-Reviewed Journal

ISSN: 2455-6211

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The Synergogy: The Scenario

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The Synergogy: The Scenario

The Synergogy: The Scenario

Author Name : Santosh Kumar Beura

ABSTRACT Education alone governs the world . It sounds untrue . Erudition might be one man's achievement . There is many men's entry . Learner is an asset to the world . It is everyone's property . The tiny sparrow depends on thousands insects which grows from farmer's crop lands . There is the role of water, land , manure , sunlight , moon , seeds , time , manual intervention of the care taker etc .Student is a related connection to many more emotions . Teacher is the product of biological ,and societal , educational and environmental a logarithm . A drop represents the ocean. Knowledge is a trace of thousands more texts . Teaching is not to a member, it is also to the entire common mass . Govt is not to disqualify teachers without necessary eligibility . Most of the members of our country learn things without formal classrooms .