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The Traditional Mao Naga Family System and it...

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The Traditional Mao Naga Family System and it...

The Traditional Mao Naga Family System and its Religious Practices

Author Name : A Asani Kashaemei

ABSTRACT This paper is a brief account of the origin of Mao Naga and its traditional family system and Religious practices. The ancestors believe that the Mao’s originated from the sacred place Makhrepfii. The place of origin now inhabited by Mao is situated in the present day Senapati district. The popular myth of Dziiliimosiiro talks about the mythical conception of three sons namely; Okhe (Tiger), Ora (God), Omei (Man). Because they possessed dual qualities of holiness and malignity, instinctive and irrational behavior had to depart from each other. The three sons erected three monolith stones to commemorate and to symbolize their brotherhood born from one mother. They follow patriarchy and patrilineal descent. The family is nuclear and father is the head with his decision upon anything as final.