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Thermal Non-Equilibrium model with Cattaneo E...

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Thermal Non-Equilibrium model with Cattaneo E...

Thermal Non-Equilibrium model with Cattaneo Effect in the Solid Phase

Author Name : M. M. Hanchinal

In modeling a fluid-saturated porous medium all the above investigations on double diffusive convection have assumed a state of local thermal equilibrium (LTE) between the fluid and the solid phase at any point in the medium. This is a common practice for most of the studies where the temperature gradient at any location between the two phases is assumed to be negligible. For many practical applications, involving high-speed flows or large temperature differences between the fluid and solid phases, the assumption of local thermal equilibrium is inadequate and it is important to take account of the thermal non-equilibrium effects. Due to applications of porous media theory in drying, freezing of foods and other mundane materials and applications in everyday technology such as microwave heating, rapid heat transfer from computer chips via use of porous metal foams and their use in heat pipes, it is believed that local thermal non-equilibrium (LTNE) theory will play a major role in future developments.