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To Assess the Knowledge of Postnatal Mothers ...

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To Assess the Knowledge of Postnatal Mothers ...

To Assess the Knowledge of Postnatal Mothers Regarding Application of Breast Milk To Promote Healing Of Sore Nipple

Author Name : Khuraijam Menao Devi, Khuraijam Meenu Devi, Mrs Dr Saphabi Devi

ABSTRACT In view of the nature of the problem and to accomplish the objectives of the study a structured questionnaire was prepared to assess the knowledge of postnatal mothers regarding application of breast milk to promote healing of sore nipple. A panel of 15 experts ascertained the content validity of the tool. Reliability of the tool was tested by using karl pearson formula of the questionnaire. A pilot study was conducted by administering the questionnaire to the six respondents who fulfilled the sampling criteria. The tool was found reliable and feasible. The sample fulfilling the inclusive criteria was selected for the study, non probability convenient sampling techniques was used to select the subjects.