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To Increase Sales of Focus Grade in PCMO Segm...

To Increase Sales of Focus Grade in PCMO Segment

Author Name : Yash Bobdi, Prof: Anand Singh Rajawat

Taking the Lead to Fuel India’s Energy Needs Indian Oil Corporation Limited (Indian Oil) is the country’s largest integrated and diversified energy company. Indian Oil’s presence across the entire hydrocarbon value chain allows it to create sustainable business outcomes. Today, Indian Oil accounts for the largest market share of India’s petroleum product consumption. As a “Maharatna” company, it address the multiple energy needs of the nation with our integrated business model, leading from the front as a responsible energy major. The aim in producing this report is to provide a comprehensive and detailed overview of the Company’s operations, strategy, and performance. In this report, we look at the trends and challenges in our business, at our strategies, and at how we create value through a responsible approach towards business