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Unleashing Intrapreneurship in SMEs: A Compre...

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Unleashing Intrapreneurship in SMEs: A Compre...

Unleashing Intrapreneurship in SMEs: A Comprehensive Literature Review on Key Catalysts

Author Name : M.S. Sujatha, Dr. Ujjal Mukherjee





Intrapreneurship is widely recognized as a crucial element for fostering corporate entrepreneurship, where employees actively engage in generating innovative ideas and pursuing new ventures. However, the existing literature primarily focuses on the development of intrapreneurship within larger organizations, leaving a gap in understanding its significance for small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs). Recent studies have highlighted the unique challenges and opportunities associated with cultivating intrapreneurship in SMEs, indicating the need for dedicated research in this domain. This paper aims to fill this gap by conducting a comprehensive literature review that delves into the distinct processes involved in developing intrapreneurship specifically within SMEs.

The study identified that there is a need for further investigation into how owner-managers' factors, such as leadership style, personal characteristics, and entrepreneurial orientation, influence the development of intrapreneurship within SMEs. Of particular importance is the motivation of owner-managers to foster an intrapreneurial culture. Recognizing the reciprocal relationship between the attitudes and behaviors of owner-managers and employees, it is essential to consider the dyadic nature of their interaction, rather than a one-way influence from owner-managers to employees.