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Utility of Anupana and Its Property

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Utility of Anupana and Its Property

Utility of Anupana and Its Property

Author Name : Dr. Aparna Sharnagat, Dr. M. B. Pillewan, Dr. Shruti Dixit, Dr. Meenakshi Chouhan


Ayurveda is very oldest science and it has been applied from last many years.  In ayurveda there are many concepts which are different and unique than other pathy. Anupan is one of them. Concept of ’Anupan’ is explicated with Aahara and Aushadha in different condition, especially in ayurveda food particle or any medicine can be used for treating different kinds of disease by changing the anupan. The concept of anupan plays a very significant role in treating the disease and also helps the drug to act quickly to maintain and to achieve good health, Ayurveda explains various concepts such as, Sadvritta (codes of right conduct), Dinacharya (daily regimen), Ritucharya (night regimen), Aahara Vidhi Vidhana (rules and regulations P.Gregarding the food consumption) and also Oushadha sevana. In Aahara vidhi vidhana and Oushadha sevana, various Acharyas have mentioned methods such as intake of proper anupana (post prandial drink) after the consumption of food or medicine.

Anupana is a substance which is taken along with

P.G.Dept. of Samhita siddhanta,Rani Dullaiya or after the intake of Aahara (food) and oushadha (drug).  In the context of food, anupana helps in its better digestion and absorption and provides complete nourishment of the body. To cure the disease the use of proper anupana along with specific drug therapy is equally important.

KEYWORDS: Ayurveda, Anupana, sahapana, vehicle, post prandial drink.