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Virtual Mouse Using Facial Recognition

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Virtual Mouse Using Facial Recognition

Virtual Mouse Using Facial Recognition

Author Name : Ishika Ahuja, Shaik Ajmal R, Dr. Archana.Tamizharasan, Syed Mohammad Saahil, Jayesh Thani


Today we are living in a world where human computer interaction is being made easier and more accessible to every person. Many people who don’t have hands or want to avoid physical contact with cursors in public places need an alternative way to operate the cursor. This paper describes a simple prototype system for real-time tracking of a human face for controlling the cursor. The system is running face tracking algorithms that are simple but effective. Our real-time tracking algorithm is computationally inexpensive, works in different places and can  start and launch itself with little knowledge about environment. This work aims to come up with a system that will eliminate the need of touch or mouse-pad to control the cursor. This system will use facial gestures as trigger to different actions of the cursor. The paper is based on a research project in which we build another user-friendly interface. Uses real-time video for the user's, face is captured using a webcam. Facial features are visible. Head position is tracked and converted into two-dimensional links on a computer screen. Mouse movement mimics the movement of the tip of the nose and the selection of any icon on the screen are achieved by deliberate blink of an eye as an indication that command from user. This system has three major modules that will control the working, i.e., image acquisition, tracking and controlling. We have hoped to use computer vision to make the interaction with the machine one step easier for everyone.

Keywords—image acquisition, tracking, computer vision