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Women Empowerment in India

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Women Empowerment in India

Women Empowerment in India

Author Name : Neeta Rani

Women empowerment is a notable subject. At past time they were getting equal status with men. But they had faced some problems during post-Vedic and epic ages. Many a time they were understated as slave. From early twenty century(national movement) their statuses have been modified slowly and gradually. In this regard, I mentioned the name of the British people. After then, independence of India, the constitutional makers and national leaders strongly demand equal social status of women with men. Today we have seen the women have get the respectable positions in all walks of the fields. Yet, they have not absolutely free some inequalities and harassment in the society. A few number of women have been able to make their potentialities. Therefore, each and every should be careful to develop the women statuses. Women consisted of almost 50% of the world‟s population but India has shown disproportionate sex ratio whereby female‟s population has been comparatively lower than males. As far as their social status is concerned, they are not treated as equal to men in all the fields. In the Western countries, the women have got equal right and status with men in all walks of life. But gender disabilities and discriminations are seen in India even today. But the Indian women have come a long way to get the present positions by their potential and their dedication towards work.